The fourth issue of Pet&Vet is OUT NOW!
The veterinary practice magazine for pet owners. Bringing pet owners and vet practices closer together.
With exclusive vet-written content, helping you to learn more about your pets, how to care for them and how veterinary practices and their staff work, Pet&Vet is an educational, entertaining new quarterly title for owners of all petkind. You can read it in the waiting room or subscribe to have your own copy delivered to your door – and now you can order back issues too via the Subscribe button at the top of this page.
But that's just the print magazine. On this companion website you'll find an ever-growing archive of pet news, case studies, veterinary advice, plus competitions and more. You can also follow us on Facebook @pet&vetmagazine.
And if you'd like your pet added to our ever-growing Wall of Pets, email your photos and pet names to editor@petandvetmag.com.
Subscribe for just £12 a year!
Pet&Vet is free to read while you wait in the veterinary practice, but if you'd like your own copy delivered to your home four times a year, you can subscribe for just £3 per issue. Hit the button at the top of the page and never miss an issue.
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Pet&Vet Summer 2024 is supported by:
Lintbells, PET Plus, VetRelieve, International Cat Care, K9 Massage Guild and Copdock Mill.
For more information, browse our directory of advertisers.
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About the Mag

At Pet&Vet, we understand how much your pet means to you. That's why we aim to offer a comprehensive range of articles and features to keep you informed on all aspects of pet ownership.
Pet&Vet magazine is all about bringing pet owners closer together with the veterinary teams who care for their animals.
Read it in the waiting room or subscribe to receive your own copy four times a year.
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